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How Customer Counter Technology Works For Organizations And Stores (Part 3)

Intelligent People Counting Cameras As you may have noticed up to now, the technologies we have been going through are reused from their original purpose and were adapted to count people. They all have their limitations. That is what caused smart cameras to appear on the market. Their goal is to count with increased accuracy in different kinds of scenarios. “Back in the days”, which means just a few years ago, these were connected to a collector box such as our STC.

How Customer Counter Technology Works For Organizations And Stores (Part 2)

Following up on part 1, we now delve in the different technology available and the “technical stuff”. We’ll start with the technology that has been used since the start of the people counting industry, and still used today, the beam, then move on to more advanced solutions and we’ll explain their advantage.

How Customer Counter Technology Works For Organizations And Stores (Part 1)

Buying a people counter is often considered a long term investment. It is now widely accepted that an accurate and reliable traffic count is a key metric in the world of retail and shopping centers. Most large retailers have at least one technology installed, and if you ask them, most would tell you they cannot run their business without it.

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