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4 Ways Your Store Layout is Impacting Conversion Rates

As a retail business owner, you want your store experience to be wonderful for your customers. Every aspect of your store matters: the training the staff has received, the products you want to keep in your inventory, and a store that is clean and tidy are all important aspects of your regular store routine. All of those measures, however, are useless without a store layout that is designed to boost your sales and present your merchandise in an intuitive way that will appeal to as many customers as possible.

How To Create Powerful Window Displays In Your Store

Developing a powerful window display in your store window will ensure that you will entice more shoppers to come into your store and spend more dollars. There are many tips and tricks to this technique but a window store display should not be rushed and should not be an afterthought. If planned and considered carefully, a window display can help to increase overall spend and also focus shoppers on specific items that you may want to highlight.

Sure-Fire Ways To Prepare Your Store For The Holiday Season

It’s that time again, we are getting very close to it anyway, the holiday season! For the next few months, we will be inundated with advertising for the holidays. This will all end with a final “After Holiday Sale” when most sane people want to just be done with it all. The advertising on TV and on billboards generally starts in early October and it won’t exhaust itself until the end of January – many of us just wish we could time warp to February and miss all of it!

How to Greet Walk-In Customers & Boost Retail Sales

What is the most typical greeting when a customer enters a store? 60% of retail stores use “Can I help you?” most often. The reality is that the majority of customers won’t engage with this type of communication and you will lose a sale.

Boost Your Store Sales With These Window Display Ideas

Creating an eye catching window display has many benefits for your store: it will obviously serve to show off or display the products that you offer; it can give the store a theme and image; it can segment seasons and update the exterior look of the storefront and it can help to entice shoppers into your store, which is the ultimate aim as increased footfall is likely to equate to increased sales and custom.

How Customer Counter Technology Works For Organizations And Stores (Part 2)

Following up on part 1, we now delve in the different technology available and the “technical stuff”. We’ll start with the technology that has been used since the start of the people counting industry, and still used today, the beam, then move on to more advanced solutions and we’ll explain their advantage.

9 Best Store Layout Ideas To Attract Visitors and Boost Sales

Opening a retail business brings with it many decisions, factors and variables to think about. People in charge need to think about issues like finance, staff, stock, and location among many other things. While location will be a major decision, they also need to keep in mind the layout of the location they choose. This is something that store owners often overlook when they plan their assault into retail and it can end up costing them in lost dollars.

Powerful Formula To Increase Your Retail Store Sales

We are all looking for that silver bullet that would make our life easier.This is applicable even more so to the retail industry which has seen the industry evolve substantially over the last 10 years. E-Commerce revolutionized the way people buy. Today, a retail shop is just another way of buying, while not so long ago it was the ONLY way.

10 Steps to Start a Successful Brick & Mortar Clothing Store

Opening a clothing store, or any store for that matter might be your goal or your dream and it is certainly an attainable one with the right execution.   Knowing how to do it and how to approach the situation is important as you set out your retail marketing strategy. Knowing how to open the store and actually setting it up for business is wonderful but unless you involve a degree of retail marketing and promotion, your business simply won’t prosper.

The New Retail Sales Equation To Drive Your Closing Ratio

For nearly 30 years, we have been following closing ratio in stores and its relationship to sales. The bottom line... if you are serious about increasing your store sales, the fastest, least expensive and longest lasting increases in sales will come as a result of selling to a higher percentage of your traffic. This is especially true in mall based specialty stores, but we have seen cases, such as liquor stores, where one would believe that everyone that enters the store will make a purchase make significant increases in sales by focusing on the things that drive closing ratio.

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